(Books 1 and 2)
Corporate Involvement
The United States is faced with a Diabetes and Obesity epidemic!
The Facts
The number of overweight children between the ages of 6 - 11 has more than doubled since 1980 and for teens the rate has tripled!
Nearly one-third of US children between 4 – 19 eat fast food every day! Fast food consumption has increased fivefold among children since 1970.
By 2010 nearly half the children in North America will be overweight with 80 percent of these children will likely be overweight as adults.
Children born in the US in 2000, the lifetime risk of being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in their lives is 30% for boys and 40% for girl.
Obesity-associated annual hospital costs for children have more than tripled from $35 million in 1981 to $127 million in 1999.
Approximately 60% of obese children aged 5 to 10 years have at least one cardiovascular disease risk factor.
Corporations Have The Opportunity to Make a Difference!
Baux Publishing was founded and is committed to reversing these dangerous epidemic trends. Working with Corporations on both a local and national basis, Baux Publishing can assist your corporate goals and messaging with regards to demonstrating community leadership in addressing 'head on' this major epidemic!
The unique advantages of the Nutrition Ambition: Reaching Your Wellness Goals program are:
- It is ahead of the 'me too' curve and is available now!
- It is aligned to Federal Health and Nutrition standards
- Eliminates traditional community 'access equity' issues
- All health topics are tied back to Nutrition
- Designed to engage BOTH the student and the family
- All family members have the opportunity to establish weekly/monthly Nutritional Goals
If you are interested in learning more about the Nutrition Ambition: Reaching Your Wellness Goals series for your employess, community, or your community outreach programs please feel free to contact us. Additionally, all materials can be customized and/or 'private labeled' for corporate and 'not for profit' community marketing programs.
Help drive down the cost of health care by implementing programs and sponsorships that proactively brings about systemic change with reagrds to nutrition, wellness, diet, and exercise therby reducing nutritionally related diseases!
For additional ideas on how you can be a part of the solution please contact a
Baux Publishing representative at: