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In 2007 the US Department of Justice in conjunction with the US Department of Juvenile Justice conducted a survey of all students who were ‘picked up' (arrested) for any type of crime. Part of the survey results indicated that over 85% of these ‘at-risk' youth participated in some form of gambling.

Students find themselves in a society surrounded by gambling options such as: the lottery, scratch offs, casino gambling, and online poker. This behavior has become an accepted behavior for adults. Unfortunately, this behavior can become a dilemma for students.

This interactive program uses music, real-life situations, questionnaires, and peer-based scenarios to alert the student that gambling is not an innocent activity.



  • Produced in Partnership with the Florida Council on Problem Gambling




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Copyright 2007 Baux Publishing


Baux Solutions
Bullying, Anti-Crime,
& Decision Making Series

Video Introduction

Sample Video Content

- Gambling 1
- Gambling 2
- Gambling 3
- Gambling 4

- Gambling Scenarios 1
- Gambling Scenarios 2
