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What do you say and how do you counsel someone being stalked, in an abusive relationship, a victim of acquaintance rape, date rape, or any violent act? This program was designed to provide you the information to help you counsel your friends and protect yourself. Through the interactive scenarios you will learn to recognize the warning signs, be instructed to know how and what to advise, challenged to identify a healthy relationship, separate the myths vs. facts, meet actual victims of sexual violence, and learn how to protect your friends and yourself.

The user will meet male and female student victims who talk about their experiences. Each scenario ends with a counselor who explains what to do and what not to do if you find yourself in a compromising situation.


  • Produced in Partnership with US Department of Justice






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Copyright 2007 Baux Publishing


Baux Solutions
Bullying, Anti-Crime,
& Decision Making Series

Video Introduction
Dating Violence

Sample Video Content


- Stalking 1
- Stalking 2

- Control