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To Play the Nutrition Game, choose a FOOD ITEM from the right side and 'drag and drop' it on the right side of the scale. Then choose an ACTIVITY from the left side and 'drag and drop' it on the left side of the scale. The goal is to balance enough activity to 'burn off' the calories in the selected food. You can add more than one activity to balance off a selected food option. There is a maximum of 5 selected activites. If your 5 selected activities do not balance the scale then remove one activity and select one that may be more strenous!


Finding the Balance

Produced in Partnership with Duke University Center for Wellness




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Copyright 2007 Baux Publishing LLC


Book 1

Instructional materials and activities for ages
7 - 8

Book 2

Instructional materials and activities for ages
9 - 10

Instructional materials and activities for ages
11 - 13

Bullying, Anti-Crime,
Decision Making & Consequences Series aimed at:

  • Anti-crime
  • Anti-bullying
  • Anti-violence
  • Anti-gang
  • Dating
  • Leadership